This is where questions live. The answers are just visiting.
Q: May I use one of your pictures on my webpage/blog/somethingsomething?
A: Sure, as long as you credit me for the picture and, if possible, add a link to back here.
Q: What about using one on my computer as a wallpaper?
A: Go ahead, no restrictions there.
Q: On the subject of wallpapers: could you perhaps put up a section with wallpaper-sized versions of your pictures? Most of them are too small to use...
A: Eergh, perhaps in the future. I have thought about making some, but I never get to it. x<
Q: Are you going to do any new tutorials? Can I make a suggestion for one?
A: Very likely, and you sure can.
Q: Hey, are you open for commissions? There's this picture I need...
A: Not at the time, nope. I'm ahving my hands full with all the projects I've got going on right now.
Q: How old are you? Are you a guy or a gal?
A: But...the artist info section is right there... *points*. Oh what the heck, I'm 21 and a gal.
Q: Well, I don't really feel like reading that stuff. So, are you a student?
A: Yes, third-year bachelor student at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki.
Q: How did you learn how to draw? Did you go to an art school as a kid?
A: I'm mostly self taught, at digital mediums completely so. As a kid I did attend weekly two hour art session thingies after school where I learned the basics of various materials and techniques such as oil painting, pastels, etching and drawing with coal. There wasn't much serious teaching involved, it was mostly just for fun, but I did learn the basics of some materials I never would had touched otherwise. Those basic skills have come in handy even if I don't do much traditional media stuff nowadays. Other than that I've just made sure to draw a lot each day: mostly just leisurely doodling as a kid, then a couple of hours a day of more purpose-seeking drawing as a teenager, and the last couple of years I've made sure to draw at least five hours a day. And of course I enjoy the occasional tutorial I find, and constantly study the works and techniques of those who are more skilled than myself.
Q: Do you have any favourite artists or people you look up to.
A: Yup, tons and bucketloads of them, some dead and some living. But I'm not going to start opening that box right now. It's a large box, though, I can tell you that! (Plus I'm kind of terrible at remembering names, eheh.)
Q: Heey, you're on Deviantart, right? Are ya' open for art trades perchance? Or do you take requests for drawings?
A: Naaaw... not really my thing. At least not while I'm this swamped with my own stuff.
Q: About "a Redtail's Dream"... how long will it be?
A: Right now I'm estimating it to end up as 550 pages, consisting of 8 chapter plus the prologue and an epilogue. It could (read that as "probably will") end up being longer, since I don't have a written script and my page count estimate has been ridiculously low so far. My initial estimate for the whole comic a year back was merely 150 pages, believe it or not.
Q: How much time do you spend on one page?
A: About 8 hours, give or take an hour, five of those usually sink into the sketching + inking part, colors and speech bubbles consume fewer hours.
Q: Could I ask you a bunch of questions for a project/inteview type of thing/ personal interest/ some other reason? :)
A: Fire away. :3