So I threw a little aRTD themed fanart contest between August and September of 2013, during the last chapter of the comic, and
ended up with just over 130 submissions, which was pretty darn crazy. A big thanks to all of the artists, you're awesome!
The winning entries and honorary mentions will be included in the aRTD book, and all of the submissions will stay here in
this little shrine for all of you to enjoy. :3

The winner of the contest was Cheppoly with this awesome group scene. (Link to Cheppoly's Tumblr page). Cheppoly has managed to do
something I haven't been able to, which is to draw pretty much all the characters in the comic in one single shot. I admire that so much, because personally
I get really intimidated and kind of paralyzed when fazed with the task of drawing more than half a dozen characters at once. And they
all look so awesome, look at Tuomi's bunny-shirt! I seriously could have declared this piece a winner just because of that bunny-shirt, awww! This
image simply makes me happy. ;_;

Shared second place goes to Etebalfana
(link to DA gallery) for an awesome,
distinctive-looking piece that truly speaks to my graphic designer's heart!

And the other shared second place belongs to Karbik
(link to Tumblr page) who
went ahead and drew that long coveted mecha-dragon-Ville. Ah, the detail! And
ah, the colors! And look at that beautiful Finnish scenery!
Then to the honorary mentions! I ended up picking 6 of them and they'll all be included in the book
alongside the three winners. Frankly there was
like half a dozen more entries that I really wanted to give honorary mentions to, but I had to draw the line somewhere, aww. These six made the cut this time, congrats guys!

Isn't this piece by Kristine Synowka
(link to
Website) simply beautiful? And so fun to look at! Astrid looks so
happy running there alongside bear-Ville, and even the crows are so huggable!

Eren Fitzgerald
(link to
Eren's webcomic "Tamuran") has drawn a piece that really shows the deep friendship between Hannu and Ville in a
simple, genuine and heartfelt gesture. Awww!

There's a soft spot in my heart for everything art-nouveau-ish, and Jenna Lolandi's
(link to DA gallery) entry is
a stellar piece in the style. Love it!

Sarah "Chu" Wilson
(link to her webcomic "Slightly damned" ) has shown what Ville would be like
if he had turned into a
slight larger snake, heheh. It's humorous, adorable and has some pretty darn amazing colors!

Oh dear, Puppy-Fox has been banned from the Fox-meetings so he goes and steals some buns from the
Chinese zodiak meeting instead. I can't look at this piece by Lily She-Yin without smiling, I just can't!

And then we've got this piece by Tiffany
(link to DA gallery) that's so pretty and so sad. Oh man, I shouldn't have ended the
honorary mentions with the saddest one, because now I'm sad! *Is sad* But sad is good in art, it's a lovely piece all around!
Aaaand below are the rest of the lovely entries! A few of them weren't submitted as officially taking part of the contest but
simply as regular fanart instead:

Aapo Pajala

Alicia (Second fanart entry)

Alina Stożek



Brianna Vigoa


Christina Spinks

Christopher King




Colby (Colby's dog Natasha in Ville's forms)




Cynthia Slater



Elisabeth M.



Fred Gower

general_mee - Reba McNeill

Johanna Hohne - Meringuelen

Ju Hee



Kathleen Schroeder

Katie Stenberg




Mäelle Freteault


Mariana Pericotorro

Marie Vavrek





Rain Bidleman

Regina W.





Tamara Havik

Tamara Havik


V. E.

Aaaand some fan-poems: ---link--.
A big thanks once again to everyone who contributed to the contest, I was absolutely blasted in the brain by
how many entries I got. They all made me so happy, and I sure hope the rest of you enjoyed them too.